Fabricating "X" for the city
The next project we challenged is a fabrication not driven by personal needs and desire, but fabrication for the social needs. In this project, we focused on not people and people's emotions, but the city and the objects within the city. How do the peculiar places within the city want to be? How do the objects with special context and meaning want to be? Through the interaction with these targets, we can restore imagination and creativity to the society.With this goal, we worked on making a "tools" and "machines" for fabrication in the city. With the question of "can we fabricate objects outside insular spaces such as ateliers and studios?", we chose Naka area of the Yokohama city, a place where our laboratory is located at, as our target city, and started our research. First, we walked around the city and each chose a particular place within the city. Next, by discovering the evolution of tools and its history, we found clues for making the tools. Lastly, through keynote lecture "Fabrication in the City, Fabricating the City" by Dr. Daijiro Mizuno, an assistant professor at Keio University, we acquired a perspective to positively deal with the city. Through the three steps and countless brainstorming and prototyping, five "X"s were made for the particular five places within the city of Yokohama.
私たちが次にトライしたのは、個人の欲求によるものづくりではなく、ソーシャルな欲求によるものづくりです。ソーシャルの対象となるのは、人や人が感じたコトではなく、都市や都市に溢れる"もの"たちです。都市に点在する特異な"場"そのものがどうなりたがっているのか? 都市に偏在する意味を持った"かたち"たちがどうなりたがっているのか? "もの"との対話から、"もの"を作ることによって社会に創造力と妄想力を還元します。 具体的には、都市の中でものを作るための"道具"を制作しました。工房のような閉じた内部空間だけでなく、公共の外部空間でもものづくりは可能か?と いった疑問のもと、研究室のある横浜市中区一帯を対象とし、アイデアを練っていきました。はじめに街を散策し、気になった場所や形を採集しながら、それぞれが具体的な場所を選定しました。次に、道具の歴史や道具がどの様にして進化してきたのか、具体的な寸法をあたりながら、道具を作る上でのヒントを得ました。さらに、慶應義塾大学環境情報学部専任講師の水野大二郎氏によるレクチャー「都市でfabする、都市をfabする」を経て、都市と積極的に付き合うための視点を身につけました。 三つの学びを経て、何度もアイディア出しとプロトタイプ作りを繰り返し、5つの作品が、5つの場所のためだけに作成されました。
Kickboard Icecream Machine
If after you ran the city in the kick board, then the ice cream when I was finished?And inspired by the Yokohama Bashamichi...
Kickboard Icecream Machine
Drawing Elephant Machine
The push pulley of the elephant which carries out painting in "ZOU-NO-HANA(the nose of an elephant) park."...
Drawing Elephant Machine
Pillow Carry
Pillow Carry is a machine that knits a pillow when you carry it upstairs. We came up with this idea because Nogeyama Park had...
Pillow Carry
We made a machine that roll in the hill and make a drink, taking advantage of the terrain slope is large in Yokohama...
Personal Space Fabricator
This machine is a product of us and named as "Personal Space Fabricator". We found that people often recognize...