A Study of "Creative workshop of the Future"


ここでは、慶應義塾大学 田中浩也研究室の新規受講生である学部1・2年生を対象とした、「自分の為の、自分だけの椅子を作る」という授業課題と、その成果を公開しています。彼らは多くの人と同じように、Rhinocerosの様なモデリングツールや、ShopbotといったCNCミリングマシンの使い方、木の扱い方すら知りませんでした。

From Passive Consumer to Active Maker

Is it possible to build your personal space on your own? What does building your personal environment exactly mean? Many of you might wonder what "making a space for yourself" means.
Here, we share the works done by first and second grade undergraduates from Keio University’s Hiroya Tanaka lab. These works are results of "making an original chair" assignment we gave them. Like many people, at first, students did not have any ability to use modeling tool such as Rhinoceros and CNC machine such as Shopbot, and neither did they have knowledges of how to handle wood.
Through the project, the students learned how to use Rhinoceros, its plug-in Grasshoper, laser cutter, 3-D printer, and a CNC milling machine to make their own chair.
From their works, we can see that they are very unique, and uncategorizable. These, of course, cannot be bought or found at the market. Also, the "joy" and "excitement" that these works and designers have, might be a value that can only be gained when we design and make by ourselves.
Through the project, we will observe the process of change from passive consumer to active maker, and think about the essence of "creative workshop of the future".

MASTER : Koki Akiyoshi
TA : Ken Fujiyoshi, Moeka Watanabe, Hitoshi Watanabe, Shigeki Shimizu
STUDENTS : Yoshihiro Asano, Chihiro Fukai, Takayo Ayata, Konomi Morikawa, Kyoko Fukuda, Ryo Asakura, Naoya Shishido, Shintaro Kiba, Masato Yoshida, Takumi Moriya